What rulers are reading - Manel Watch

MANEL WATCH -- “Women are mysteriously missing from D.C. think tanks’ foreign policy panels. Here’s the data,” by Federiga Bindi and Mimosa Giamanco: “Although women make up half the world’s population and a growing proportion of scholars and analysts, they’re often absent in convenings of ‘experts.’ That’s true across a number of industries, according to an event management company’s report on gender diversity in about 60,000 events between 2013 and 2018 across 23 countries; the company found that 69 percent of all speakers were male. That’s close to what political scientists Tamara Cofman Wittes and Marc Lynch found when examining women’s participation in Middle East Policy panel events in 2014: Fewer than one-quarter of all the speakers at 232 events put on by six Washington think tanks were women — and 65 percent of the events included no women at all.

“That matters, for a variety of reasons. It means women with expertise aren’t getting the kind of exposure that helps their ideas spread and their careers advance. And it means that policies and decisions are made with only men’s input, depriving us all of women’s knowledge and insights.” WaPo

Link to original ‘‘What voters think Warren could do for women’’ in Politico here.
